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What you’ll learn...

In “Will my idea work?”, Dr. Dinin shares his unique framework for validationg startup ideas and business opportunities. You'll learn about a comprehensive series of tools and strategies every entrepreneur can use to quickly and effectively determine whether a startup idea is worth pursuing before spending (and potentially wasting) lots of time and money building something nobody wants.

Run Time: 40 minutes
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What you’ll learn...

In “Give the perfect pitch,” Dr. Dinin guides you through the process of giving the three most important types of pitches for any entrepreneur: sales pitches; fundraising pitches; and stage pitches in front of large audiences. In this course, you'll learn the basics of pitching as well as Dr. Dinin's most important tips he's learned from winning pitch competitions, closing millions in funding, and gaining thousands of customers.

Run Time: 29 minutes
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What you’ll learn...

Being able to send effective emails that get replies is a critical skill for sales, networking, fundraising, hiring, and dozens of other parts of the entrepreneurial process. Considering the importance and value of email, Dr. Dinin's famous short course on sending incredible emails is a must-watch for any entrepreneur who wants to turn emailing into a superpower.

Run Time: 13 minutes